Local Networking Events:

#LinkedinLocal Tampa – Primary focus in and around downtown Tampa. -John Kachurick
LinkedIn Local Tampa Bay – Focus on Tampa and St. Pete (both sides of the Bay of Tampa). – Suzanne Ricci &
Kasandra Perez

LinkedIn Local North Tampa – Focus on northern Tampa. – Eric Bunch

Global Nerdy – Every Saturday, Tampa’s most connected techies, entrepreneurs, and nerds get their weekly
update from the Tampa Bay tech, entrepreneur, and nerd events mailing list in their email, and you can too! –
Joey deVillaNo-Fee Career Support and Services:
Pinellas Career Source: – Weekly virtual events for Wed & Thur trainings which also provided networking
opportunities. (Hillsborough Career Source is in the process of securing a new training resource
Real Estate Lives – Open to all professions – Tue & Thur virtual meetings for more than 15 years in helping
people in the job hunt. – Greg Morgan

Transition Masters Career Clarity – Mon & Thur for Transition Masters. Career Clarity is a self-paced course
with an assigned coach. Joe Jones –
Computer Coach – Has held weekly career coaching workshops at no cost to attendees. (Yes, they also offer
fee-based training.)

IT Training: (Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) services provides a $10,000 grant for trainingretraining to many unemployed persons. The program is federal and managed at local unemployment offices at the county levels. For IT training options in the Tampa Bay area, you can reach out to your local Career Source office or go straight to the below two IT training companies. Non-IT trainings are present for WIOA money. Please contact your local Career Source office for a list of service providers.)

Computer Coach – Suzanne Ricci & Kasandra Perez

New Horizons – Dewey McGuirk


Project Management Institute – SuncoastPMI – Holds monthly meeting for education and networking.

Project Management Institute – Tampa Bay – Holds monthly meeting for education and networking.

Women In Technology International (WITI) – Tampa Bay – Has routine events

Westshore Business Alliance – Holds routine networking events – Jamie Farrell.

American Marketing Association – Tampa Bay – Special request that I added in June 2020. Should have
routine networking and educational events.