Our Groups and Initiatives
The following is a brief description of our current initiatives and groups. Feel free to contact any of our volunteers for more information. If you would like to volunteer your time and talents as you see fit to any of our groups, please contact Carlene Ulacia or Lisa Hyde Ferich.
General Meetings
Every third Wednesday at 9:00 am each month, all Rebounders and Volunteers gather to offer support, potential job leads, inspirational fellowship, and information on all available services. Some general meetings will include a guest speaker that will encourage and provide hope in the job search. Check calendar for upcoming meetings.
Employment Resources
We actively seek job opportunities from a variety of sources throughout the Tampa Bay area. Leads are then regularly posted to the Job Board on our website. Contact
Lisa Hyde Ferich for more information.
First Needs / First Hour
The purpose of this initiative is to identify new Rebounders as quickly as possible after losing their jobs. Volunteers assist through the early stages by offering to help connect Rebounders with all the resources available through Career Rebound and our partners. If you or someone you know has recently been laid off, contact one of our board members or volunteers.
"Take Your Game Face Off" Meetings
At the end of our monthly general meetings, we spend the next hour (usually around 11:00 am) taking our “game faces” off and sharing what’s in our hearts. This group provides a confidential, safe and casual atmosphere where the goal is to help Rebounders deal with stress, discouragement, relationship issues, self-esteem and/or fear. We take an oath at the start of the meeting that what is said in the room stays in the room.
Mentor/Mentee Program
A one-on-one relationship is created between a Rebounder and a suitable Mentor. A Mentor is the Career Rebound volunteer who is familiar with the resources available within the organization and will simply “be there” to discuss and relate to a Rebounder’s needs. For more information, contact Gregory Morgan. A mentorship is a great way to get to know others who have been where you are now.
Small Groups
The purpose of the small group meetings is to share information with fellow Rebounders in a smaller, more informal gathering. The small group setting allows the participants to openly offer ideas, potential leads, discuss their personal progress, network with others and share stories from the trenches – what works, what doesn’t work and ultimately what they need to succeed in landing that perfect position.
Weekly Small Group Meetings are currently on hiatus.
Transition Masters
The Transition Master’s program develops job search presentation skills so that job seekers can confidently land the type of work they want. Each meeting of the multi-session program includes topical discussion/lecture and one hour of mock interview practice with feedback. For more information visit Transitionmasters.org.
Resume Assistance
We can connect you with qualified volunteers who will review your resume at no fee. Reviews generally include a thorough critique with recommendations for improvement and ideas to showcase your best talents and accomplishments.
Special Events
Throughout the year we host various special events for our Rebounders. Stay connected with Career Rebound to learn what exciting events are on tap for this year. Check our calendar for upcoming events.