We are currently looking to hire a full time Development and Community Engagement Manager for Stageworks. We are in the process of collecting resumes, have a process in place to review the resumes and identify the top 3 candidates, and then implement an interview process of the finalist candidates. We hope to spend the rest of March identifying and interviewing, extend an offer at the end of March, and then hopefully have the person start employment early April.

Please let me know if there is anybody you think we should consider. Please have them email me , along with a resume. I would be happy to have a conversation with any potential candidate to answer questions. 
This position is a long time in the planning, and we are very excited to add our second,

FULL TIME employee to the management team, working along side Karla Hartley, our CEO and Producing Artistic Director.

For information about Stageworks, here is our website:  www.stageworkstheatre.org

Andrea Graham (Volunteer Development Chair)  

1120 E. Kennedy Blvd., #151, Tampa, FL 33602  813 347-2416