Derrevere Stevens Black & Cozad

Derrevere Stevens Black & Cozad is searching for a Legal Assistant/Paralegal. Sole criteria is: amazingness. We define amazingness as follows: (1) A genuinely good human being; (2) A deep-rooted belief that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. We are a family. We are a team. Now and always; (3) A high level of common-sensical street smarts. Being able to think outside of the proverbial box and problem solve is a must; (4) Grammatically and technologically savvy; (5) Significant rodeo experience. Looking for someone who’s been in the legal game a while, knows the rules, and how to play. This means at least 5 to 10 years of experience; and (6) A sense of humor. Life is too short to be so serious all the time.

  • Familiarity with Florida laws a plus, but not required.
  • Candidates must be fully vaccinated to work in any of our offices.
  • Work from home options are available.

We offer an excellent benefits package and are an equal opportunity employer.

Are you ready to take the next step with us?

Qualified applicants should post online or send a resume with a cover sheet that includes fun life facts and achievements to [email protected].

We understand that discretion is the better part of valor. All inquiries will remain confidential to protect those who are currently employed.Show less 

  • Employment type Full-time–TKu1rTS7CrJ_QKHEMFF7_Sf3182sAvKPe9t-aIlVevVT_tzYFGj9s6viXR_juQ&ccuid=33307020828&cid=4eff817a-8719-48dd-994d-c130205d3b2f