• Mortgage Counselor: $60,000 to $100,000+ (including substantial production incentives)
  • Housing Counselor: $45,000 to $60,000+ (based on substantial production incentives)

FLSA: Non-Exempt

LOCATION: NACA Offices Nationwide

CONTACT: [email protected]  or 617-250-6222 ext.1221

BENEFITS: Comprehensive package: single/family health, vision, dental, 401(k) and more



NACAOpens a New Window.

NACA is the country’s preeminent non-profit homeownership and advocacy organization with over two million Members through over forty-five offices nationwide. Over the past thirty years NACA has established a track record that has earned both the respect and fear from others in the lending industry. NACA stands out in the following areas: 1) It is the most effective organization in the country in providing affordable homeownership; 2) It is the place to work to fight for economic justice for those dedicated and willing to work hard; and 3) It provides unprecedented opportunities for staff to do well financially by doing good.

Started in 1988, NACA has won campaigns against some of the country’s most powerful companies and individuals that engaged in predatory and discriminatory lending. NACA’s success is a result of its aggressive, confrontational advocacy and state-of-the-art systems and operations. The purchase program provides comprehensive counseling as HUD’s largest housing counseling agency (through its Neighborhood Stabilization Corporation subsidiary) with access to NACA’s Best in America mortgage: no down payment, no closing costs, no requirement for perfect credit and always at a below-market, fixed interest rate. NACA has over $15 billion in mortgage commitments from the country’s largest lenders to support this program. Through its HomeSave program for homeowners with an unaffordable mortgage, NACA is also the most effective in providing affordable solutions and has done so for over 250,000 at-risk homeowners nationwide.

Built on this track record of success, NACA is undertaking rapid expansion across the country with the hiring of many additional staff nationwide. NACA continues its aggressive advocacy in fighting for economic justice for low- to moderate-income people and communities. In addition to affordable homeownership, NACA takes on economic justice issues such as student debt, tax equity, income inequality, environmental and other issues. Employees at NACA have a tremendous impact on the communities and the Members they serve. For more information about NACA, its history and programs, visit



A NACA Counselor (“Counselor”) can be either a Housing Counselor (“HC”) or Mortgage Counselor (“MC”). The expectation is that one would begin as a HC and become an MC within six months of employment. The exception would be in the Charlotte Counseling Center where conversion to an MC is encouraged but not required. A NACA Counselor provides comprehensive, individual, face-to-face housing and budgeting counseling services in a local NACA office or by phone and video conferencing from the Charlotte Counseling Center to Members in NACA’s Purchase Program. The focus is on low- and moderate-income individuals and minorities who have been locked out of affordable homeownership. The Counselor helps homebuyers overcome the roadblocks that prevent them from purchasing a home. This consists of individual counseling to qualify for NACA’s Best in America mortgage. The Counselor must be an advocate who provides comprehensive counseling and affordable outcomes. Additional counseling is provided to homeowners with an unaffordable mortgage through NACA’s HomeSave program.

NACA is likely the only job in the counseling and mortgage industry where an employee can provide many low and moderate-income borrowers and those locked out of affordable homeownership with an incredible mortgage while also earning considerable income. The NACA mortgage and homeownership program are so superior that they require minimal marketing efforts. NACA provides an instant pipeline of homebuyers without the need to generate leads which allows the Counselor to be dedicated to helping their Members take control of their finances and prepare them for homeownership with the NACA Mortgage.

The Counselor is the Member’s primary point of contact through NACA Qualification and is responsible for adhering Members to NACA’s established requirements. The MC is a licensed Mortgage Loan Originator and continues to be the primary point of contact through bank application and closing. Whether an HC or an MC, the Counselor manages his/her own pipeline of Members while working within the underwriting guidelines for NACA’s Best in America Mortgage program. S/he ensures effective and timely communication, explains and requests necessary documents, and determines readiness for homeownership and an affordable mortgage payment for each Member. The Counselor also works with the Member to address and improve their financial management.

When a Member decides to seek the NACA mortgage product, only the MC can assist them in securing a NACA mortgage or engage in other mortgage origination activities regarding a mortgage application for a specific property. The NACA Mortgage Department is primarily responsible for processing and closing the loan. Their activities include addressing lender conditions, obtaining title and homeowners insurance. The MC can assist in addressing conditions and other activities to facilitate the Member in a timely manner without conflicting with the Mortgage Department’s activities.

The HC, whose duties exclude mortgage origination activities, is not required to be licensed through the National Mortgage Licensing System as a Mortgage Loan Originator (“MLO”) when beginning employment. The HC hired in a local NACA office, other than the Charlotte Counseling Center, is expected to transition to a MC within six (6) months of employment. In such a transition, NACA will reimburse a HC who becomes a MC the cost of a continuing education course, a federal and state test fee, and clearing a fingerprint and a background check to become licensed through NMLS. The MC compensation is significantly higher than a HC.


The Counselor provides comprehensive housing counseling to pre-approve a homebuyer for the NACA Mortgage or other mortgages (“NACA Qualification”). The Counselor utilizes NACA’s state-of-the-art content management software called NACA-Lynx that enables paperless housing counseling and mortgage processing. So that Counselors can save time and focus on meaningful interactions, the Member is provided with their own Web-file for uploading documents, data inputting, status updates and much more. Through NACA-Lynx the Counselor assesses the Members readiness for homeownership with a realistic purchase price for their desired area and works with the Member to become NACA Qualified. This requires full documentation based on NACA’s policies and procedures. For some Members, this can be achieved quickly while for others it may take several months or more. The Counselor essentially underwrites the Member based on NACA’s character based and compensating factor underwriting policies. A NACA Underwriter in the Mortgage Department or Director of the local office reviews the Counselor’s determination to make the final decision on whether the Member should be NACA Qualified or requires additional counseling or documentation.

The Counselor maintains a professional demeanor and provides outstanding customer service at all times. The Counselor educates the Member on his/her next steps at each stage of the process and utilizes problem solving skills and excellent budget guidance in order to provide sound counseling and help the Member overcome obstacles. S/he must be able to work independently with Members. The Counselor must also have the ability to manage time effectively so that they complete effective counseling sessions within specified time limits and in an accurate manner. Counselors should prioritize ready Members and effectively manage their pipeline and scheduled calendars.

On day to day basis, the specific job responsibilities of a Counselor include the following:

  • Provide clear direction for a path towards homeownership. Work with Members to improve their financial management.
  • Work with NACA’s software to accurately complete documentation and data entry for efficient and paperless qualification.
  • Write narrative analyses and action plans to document next steps after each counseling session.
  • Qualify Members by reviewing payment history, liabilities and other credit information.
  • Work with Members to develop an affordable budget and address budget issues through comprehensive financial counseling
  • Work with Members to save minimum required funds to make the home purchase.
  • Work with the Member to calculate a monthly surplus to demonstrate that the Member can afford a higher mortgage payment over the long term.
  • Examine and process documents, addressing issues as needed.
  • Determine readiness for homeownership based on NACA’s Qualification Criteria: eligibility, readiness, affordability, funds and compliance.
  • Determine a maximum affordable mortgage payment and purchase price.
  • Address NACA Qualification conditions (if any) within 24 hours.
  • Educate the Member about alternative mortgage products or solutions for Member to feel comfortable with their mortgage decision.

Mortgage Origination (limited to MC):

  • Stay in contact with the NACA Qualified Member to ensure the Member maintains the parameters under which they were NACA Qualified while searching for a property and maintain an up-to-date file in the NACA-Lynx system.
  • Assist Members during the housing search to purchase a home in his/her desired community.
  • Provide property specific letters.
  • Review and process Member’s application for NACA Credit Access (i.e. verification that the Member meets the underwriting criteria).
  • Submit Member’s mortgage application.
  • Fulfill tasks that require origination licensing (discuss change of circumstances, loan updates, etc.).
  • Assists the Member through closing as appropriate to facilitate the mortgage process.

Advocacy in support of NACA’s Mission:

Employment with NACA requires ongoing participation in NACA’s advocacy, outreach, community organizing, and other activities as determined by NACA. S/he needs to support and defend the organization’s philosophy, tactics and advocacy. Such participation in and support of NACA’s confrontational advocacy campaigns and other activities is important in achieving NACA’s mission of advocating for economic justice and expanding NACA’s Best in America Mortgage and homeownership program. While these activities may impact Performance Pay compensation, they are crucial for NACA’s continued success and for meeting NACA’s mission.

Other Activities:

  • Present Home Buyer Workshops.
  • Assist in outreach activities focused on low and moderate income communities, churches and job sites.
  • Engage in regular trainings
  • Obtain and maintain HUD certification
  • Other duties as assigned


Approximately 45 to 50+ hours weekly and as necessary to meet the demands of the job. Typical working hours are: 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. weekdays, a late night(s), plus approximately a half-day two weekends every month for the Qualification/Homebuyer Workshops and/or counseling. Other than required additional time, voluntary overtime is approved based on the Counselor’s productivity and counseling demands with more flexibility provided to MCs. During NACA’s Events (which are usually five days each including weekends) and other campaign activities, the Counselor may be required to work increased hours at NACA’s sole discretion.



The compensation consists of the Base Pay, Performance Pay and Monthly Bonus. NACA does not permit any NACA staff to charge the Member or others for any service provided, nor to add any product to the loan or do anything else to increase compensation. The Base Pay provides a minimum “cash-flow” each pay period to compensate for outreach, NACA’s advocacy campaigns and other activities that may reduce the time available for obtaining Performance Pay. Compensation for events, which the Counselor may be required to participate, may be different than that stated herein as determined in NACA’s sole discretion. Performance Pay is paid if the Counselor is actively employed at the time the Member closes on their NACA Mortgage. The Monthly Bonus is paid if the Counselor is actively employed at the end of the month of the monthly bonus period.

Performance Pay is significantly higher for those in greatest need for the program. These are the Targeted Members who are low- to moderate-income individuals and Members purchasing in Targeted Areas which are low- to moderate-income areas. NACA is committed to providing at least 70% of its mortgages to low- and moderate-income individuals and communities.

  • Targeted Members: Members whose income is less than 80% of the median income in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas (“MSA’s”) area where the Member purchases.
  • Targeted Areas: Properties in a census tract where the tract medium family income percentage is less than 80% of the MSA.


The total compensation is structured so a MC can earn an overall compensation from $60,000 to $100,000+. This expectation is based on 5 to 10+ closings a month.

Development Period:

Newly hired MCs (i.e. with a MLO license) will be paid a Base Pay of $15 per hour during the first sixteen weeks of employment in addition to receiving the MC performance pay outlined below.

Base Pay:

Hourly wage rate of $10.00, greater if required by law, plus any overtime (“Base Pay”).

Performance Pay:

Complete Process – Closed NACA Mortgage being counseled and qualified by MC from initial intake through closing. Payment of one of the below three options:

  1. Targeted Member: $850 per Closed NACA Mortgage
  2. Target Area: $850 per Closed NACA Mortgage.
  3. Non-Targeted Member or Area: $500 per Closed NACA Mortgage.

Partial Process – Closed NACA Mortgage initially qualified by another Counselor with housing search and mortgage processed by the MC:

Targeted Member and/or Targeted Area:

  1. $400 per closed NACA Mortgage with P&S executed within six months of NACA Qualification.
  2. $600 per closed NACA Mortgage with P&S executed greater than six months of NACA Qualification.

Non-Targeted Member or Area:

  1. $300 per closed NACA Mortgage with P&S executed within six months of NACA Qualification.
  2. $350 per closed loan with P&S executed greater than six months of NACA qualification.


Monthly Bonus Payment (must be actively employed at completion of bonus month):

  1. Closes seven (7) or more Members with the NACA Mortgage with a Complete Process;
  2. At least seventy percent (70%) or more are Targeted Members and/or Targeted Areas; and
  3. Adhere to NACA’s policies.


  • $100 for each NACA Qualified Member closed that month.


The total compensation is structured so a HC can earn an overall compensation from $45,000 to $60,000+.

Base Pay:

Hourly wage rate of $15.00, greater if required by law, plus any overtime (“Base Pay”).

Performance Pay:

The HC initially NACA Qualifies the Member, the Member was not re-qualified by another Counselor, and the Member executes a Purchase & Sales contract within six months of the NACA Qualification and closes on that property with a NACA Mortgage. Payment on one of three below options.

  1. Targeted Member: $250 per NACA Qualified Member with a closed loan.
  2. Targeted Area: $250 per NACA Qualified Member (per NACA Qualified & closed loan).
  3. Non-Targeted Member or Area: $150 per NACA Qualified Member (per NACA Qualified & closed loan).

Monthly Bonus Payment (must be actively employed at completion of bonus month):

  1. Closes seven (7) or more Members with the NACA Mortgage excluding those with a Partial Process;
  2. At least seventy percent (70%) or more are Targeted Members and/or Targeted Areas; and
  3. Adhere to NACA’s policies.


  • $50 for each NACA Qualified Member with a closed NACA Mortgage that month.


The Counselor is required to NACA Qualify a minimum of 8 Members per month with the majority for Targeted Members, perform a minimum of 15 counseling sessions per week, and submit bank applications within 10 days of an executed P&S Contract (MCs only). NACA, at its sole discretion, may adjust such requirements or add requirements for an individual Counselor(s) or more broadly.

The Counselor is required to provide comprehensive counseling that improves a Member’s financial management including: accurate budget with documented expenses, increased savings, decreased debt, improved credit score, improved payment history, on-time rental payments after history of missing payments (thereby stabilizing current housing situation), or stopping over drafting after a history of NSF fees. These are some of the basics of good counseling that NACA monitors. This is required for all the Member s/he counsels regardless of whether they are NACA Qualified or eventually close on a property. The HC is not to work with Members once they have identified a property or are in the mortgage process, which would be in violation of mortgage licensing requirements.

NACA may grade the Counselor’s counseling and submissions, obtain Member surveys, and perform other evaluations. NACA Performance Pay may be reduced, eliminated or shared as determined by NACA in its sole discretion may terminate the Counselor or the Performance Pay may be reduced or eliminated due not meeting performance requirements. These include but are not limited to: poor grades on submissions, issues identified by Member surveys, shared work, poor/ineffective counseling, inaccurate or incomplete submissions, missing timelines, not meeting above minimum requirements, not adhering to NACA’s policies and procedures, or failing to meet other requirements or metrics.



NACA seeks leaders with a positive and open attitude, a strong work ethic and relentless commitment to success with attention to detail and ability to meet aggressive deadlines and ambitious goals. S/he is expected to have a high level of core competencies and skills included in one’s personal characteristics and professional experiences in the following areas: communication, organizational skills, professional skills, professionalism, customer service, time management, positive leadership, computer skills and being mission-driven. The Core Competencies & Skills are described in detail at


  • High School graduate or equivalency – Required
  • Bachelor’s degree – Preferred
  • Mortgage, real estate or finance courses – Highly Preferred


At least two years demonstrating some or all of the following:

  • Mortgage brokerage, origination and/or processing
  • Counseling or social work, such as school guidance
  • Relevant experience: teacher; customer service; mortgage loss mitigation
  • Real estate brokerage, training and/or experience
  • Financial counseling or advisory role
  • Ability to speak languages other than English, particularly Spanish, is a plus.

Mortgage Loan Origination License & HUD Certification:

A HC should be able to demonstrate their effectiveness as a Counselor and ability to be an effective MC. A strong indication would be a significant number of NACA Qualifications after the initial training. At about 90 days from beginning employment, NACA would evaluate the HC for transition to a MC. If approved, NACA will provide assistance and coordination through the Compliance Department. To become licensed the Counselor must prepare for the federal exam(s) (state where applicable), pass the exam(s), and meet state licensing criteria. A MC must keep his/her individual license active and in good standing with the NMLS system in the respective states in which the MC is authorized to conduct business and cooperate with the NACA Compliance Department. In addition, the Counselor must become HUD certified within six months of employment with NACA. This requires adhering to the NACA provided training, studying for the test, obtaining a passing score, and completing the follow-up to become HUD certified.



Applicants must complete this application.

NACA is an equal opportunity employer. Minority and bilingual individuals, particularly those who speak and write in Spanish, as well as second change applicants are strongly encouraged to apply. To follow-up and for inquiries regarding this and other positions contact NACA’s HR Department at [email protected] or call 617-250-6222 ext.1221.

This job description is solely for descriptive purposes with NACA reserving the right to make unilateral changes to this job description including the compensation for all staff or on an individual basis. NACA may also change the compensation during campaigns, activities and events at its discretion. This does not constitute a contract for employment. Nothing herein shall limit NACA in its sole discretion from terminating a Counselor for any reason or no reason with employment on an “at-will” basis.