Real Estate Title ExaminerOpenings located across the state of Florida; please check out ourCareer Center at

Utilize senior examination knowledge to search public records and examine documents relating to complex property title. Prepare final product of any range and/or complexity level using advanced knowledge of legal descriptions, real property laws and The Fund’s Title Notes while meeting The Fund’s quality and service requirements.


  • Search computerized and manual title information property records and determine instruments filed in public records affecting land.
  • Map legal descriptions to obtain search parameters.
  • Determine and ensure that property has been researched properly and that information relating to parties involved and taxes are accurate.
  • Ensure that base title information is within The Fund’s guidelines.
  • Examine all documents in chain of title for validity including multiple and complex court cases utilizing advanced knowledge on legal descriptions, real property laws, and The Fund’s Title Notes.
  • Prepare final product utilizing internal programs, or may prepare worksheet from which final product will be prepared.
  • Progressively advance examination knowledge and experience by supporting increasingly complex title transactions, commercial transactions and projects.
  • Participate in quality assurance review of examined products prior to delivery to customer. Assist in training and coaching of lower level Examiners.
  • Perform functions related to applications such as: ResWare and ATIDS XE.

Real Estate Title Examiner


High School diploma or equivalent.


Must have prior Title Examiner experience

Recommended skills

Real Property Search (Computer Science)