San Antonio’s USAA is among a contingent of companies that  together have committed to hiring 435,000 military veterans and their  spouses over the next five years.
The initiative was announced by first lady Michelle Obama at a White House event Tuesday.
Businesses have hired or trained 290,000 veterans and military  spouses in less than two years, Michelle Obama said. That’s nearly  triple the number of veterans and military spouses that President Barack Obama challenged the private sector to hire by the end of this year.
USAA and a handful other companies were recognized by Michelle Obama  for taking part in the “Joining Forces” initiative to hire an additional 435,000 vets and military spouses.
“USAA is pledging that 30 percent of its new hires will be veterans  or military spouses,” Michelle Obama said. The company previously has  said one out of every four new hires is a veteran or military spouse.
Joe Robles, president and CEO of the financial services and insurance company,  attended the White House event. USAA has hired 6,000 vets and military  spouses since 2005, it said in a statement. The company, San Antonio’s largest private-sector employer, announced in March plans to add as many as 3,500 jobs over the next three years,  including up to 1,000 in San Antonio. It already employs about 16,400 in San Antonio.  The company would hire more than 1,000 vets and military spouses if it meets its goal. More than 1 million service members are expected to leave the military over the next five years.
Other companies that have committed to the initiative, with the number of vets and military spouses they said they will hire:
Home Depot, 55,000
• UPS, 25,000
• BNSF Railway, 5,000
• AT&T, 5,000
Wal-Mart has said it will hire any veteran, who served honorably, the year after he/she leaves the service.
With the improving economy, hiring of veterans who served after the  Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks has picked up. The jobless rate for  those vets was 9.9 percent last year, down from 12.1 percent in 2011.  Still, that’s higher than national unemployment rate of 7.6 percent.
Speaking on the importance of hiring vets, President Obama said: “That’s our sacred obligation, to make sure they get the care, the  benefits and the opportunities that they deserve, and that includes  economic opportunities.”
The Associated Press contributed to this report.